Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide
Source Technologies
July 2003
Page 15
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8. Move methods of fraud detection to the item’s point of entry into the clearing system.
For example, low cost readers can detect low magnetic strength in the MICR line which
is a good indication of attempts to copy an original.
9. Always verify the home address and place of employment of new account
applicants. Use public sources such as phone books to verify phone numbers. Ask
new account applicants why they are opening an account with your institution. Be
suspect of unusual answers or delays in responding.
10. Stay abreast of current check fraud methods and the latest in fraud detection.
Offer seminars to educate corporate clients.
11. Review and document your internal negotiable document printing procedures.
Investigate employee backgrounds before assigning security authority. Split
responsibilities, for example, an accounts payable production/security officer should
not also balance the account.
Section 5: Security Issues