Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide
Source Technologies
July 2003
Page 6
All rights reserved
image capture equipment and is also a fraud deterrent. A fixed pitch courier font, or if
available OCR-B, are also acceptable fonts to print the convenience amount.
Note: The Source Technologies’ Secure Numeric Font (see Appendix C) should not be
used in the convenience amount since it is not a machine readable font.
Amount In Words
The amount in words (sometimes called the legal amount) is normally located either
above or below and to the left of the convenience amount. The area for the amount
in words should be entirely filled to make alteration difficult. The amount should start
at the far left of the line with the words placed immediately adjacent to each other.
The cents need not be written out. They may be expressed as a fraction (60/100),
and should be placed immediately to the right of the dollar amount and followed by a
line or other space filler to inhibit alteration.
Example: One hundred forty-four and 62/100---------------DOLLARS
Given the available area on the document, you may need to use a smaller font when
printing larger value amounts.
Payee Area
The payee is a necessary element for a negotiable document. The payee area is
generally to the left side of the document either above or below the amount in words.
It is often preceded by the words “Pay to the Order Of.” The payee data should not
enter the MICR clear band which extends 5/8 of an inch above the bottom of the
Signature Area
A signature is a required element for a negotiable document. The signature or
signatures authorize the bank to honor the check; therefore, it must match the
bank’s records. The signature area should be beneath the convenience amount area
but the signatures should not enter the convenience amount area nor the MICR
clear band. This is especially true if you print the signature with MICR toner.
We recommend using our MicroPrint font for the signature line as a fraud deterrent.
Information on how to utilize this font is in section 5: MICR Features.
Drawee Institution Name
The name of the institution where the maker’s account is located is referred to as the
drawee institution. The bank’s name, city, and state are required.
Section 3: MICR Check Design