Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide
© Source Technologies
September 2005
All Rights Reserved
The values in field four of the Audit Trail Report can be added together with the total provided
at the end of the report. This feature is activated through the MICR menu. Select Audit
Menu>Sum Field 4.
The values in field 4 must follow certain guidelines to be included in the column summation.
Dollar signs and commas must be properly located, no more than two numbers after a
decimal point, and no alpha characters. For example:
Valid Formats Invalid
“$1,234,567.89” “$1,23,”
“4321234.56” “432.123”
“5,321” “34
“$.89” “12$123”
If the value in field 4 is in an invalid format, that line will have a question mark to the right of
the field and it will not be added to the total. Under these circumstances, the total will print
with the notation “Fields flagged with ‘?’ not included in total.”
If the total exceeds $4,294,957,295.99 the printer will print an error message “Total exceeds
maximum value” instead of the total.
Print Audit Report
Prints an Audit Trail Report.
The Audit Trail Report is also part of the command set so the Audit Report can be printed
and purged via the host application. As a security control mechanism, purging is only
possible after entering a valid password.
The printer can store approximately 6,000 records or checks for each megabyte of flash. If
the Audit Report feature is activated, and the printer’s flash memory becomes full, an error
condition occurs. The printer will stop printing and prompt the operator to print and purge the
Audit Report memory. See the following section for purge instructions.
Audit Trail Report Command Set
Start Audit Record
Lead in sequence
$ Command
Marks the start of an audit record and begins a PJL job.. This command must be inserted in
the datastream after MICR Mode is entered and before the first flagged field appears. It
should be sent at the beginning of each check record.
End Audit Record
Lead in sequence