Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide
© Source Technologies
September 2005
All Rights Reserved
On-Us Field
Positions 32 to 14
The On-us field contains the makers’ account number. The structure and content
of this field is left to the drawee bank. On personal checks this field also contains
the check serial numbers. The On-Us field may not consist of more than 19
characters. An On-Us (;) symbol must appear immediately to the right of the
account number.
Blank Field
Position 13
Position 13 is always left blank.
Amount Field
Positions 1 to 12
The amount field is the right most field in the MICR line. It remains blank until it is
printed by the bank of first deposit. When the check enters the banking system,
the bank of first deposit encodes this field from data in the convenience amount
field. It will be bounded by Amount Symbols (/).