Store the Sequences into the SDcard
As Mentioned, when you boot a new firmware version, if you want to
keep the changes to the sequences in flash, you must first save the
image of the pattern and parameters (active sequences) on the SDcard:
> When you press the 'store all' (long press of the store button, for more
than 3 seconds), the program also checks for the presence of the SDcard
and if it is detected, it saves on the SD the content of all the sequences
(image stored sequences) on a file called 'SEQUENCE'. If there is already
a file with the same name, it is overwritten and updated with the new
flash image sequences.
The file can also be edited to change the settings, but it is preferable to
carry out the changes from DC1 drum directly to make sure that DC1
could save them, and reload them correctly and without errors.(^)
Note for the Appendix:
(^) the features between ----- are under development