SoundField DSF-2
User Guide
Page 8
STEREO CONTROL SCREEN - the controls in the Stereo Section have no
effect on the four B-Format output signals.
1. Width
This control varies the stereo image from zero degrees (mono) through 90 degrees (standard stereo
coincident pair) to an extra wide stereo 180 degrees. The effect of the Angle control can be viewed
on the screen.
To change the Width press the “Width” button and use the rotary controller to alter the gain.
2. Polar Pattern
The Polar Pattern control is continuously variable ranging from Omni through Sub-Cardioid,
Cardioid, Hyper-Cardioid to Figure-of-eight and sets the polar patterns used for the stereo pair.
To change the Pattern press the “Pattern” button and use the rotary controller to alter the gain.
3. Mid/Side
The Mid/Side control switches the stereo outputs from L/R to M/S. When the Mid/Side button
is enabled the stereo outputs will be M/S encoded. The Left output channel provides the Mid
signal and the Right output channel provides the Side signal.
To enable the Mid/Side mode press the “Mid/Side” button, further presses will toggle the Mid/Side
on and off. The Mid polar pattern can be altered by using the polar patter control as described