Vi V4.5 Quickstart Guide.doc
Page 15
HiQnet cannot be switched ON in the Menu-System-HiQnet page because there is
no IP address.
1. Check the cable connection to the HiQnet port on the console – if there is no valid
Ethernet connection, it will not be possible to switch on the HiQnet functionality.
2. Assuming cable connection is OK, if DHCP mode is selected on the console,
check that the router that is being used has a DHCP server capability and that this is
enabled in the router setup.
3. It is possible to connect the console directly to the Hub4000 without a router, with
the console set to DHCP mode. In this case there will be a considerable delay (up to
60 secs) before an IP address is allocated, as this has to be negotiated between the
console and the Hub.
4. If using a manually set address, the console’s IP address must have the same
subnet mask as the Hub4000Q, so System Architect must be used to discover what
that is. Once the address is known, set the console to a different address but with the
same subnet mask.
No AKG receivers are detected by the console – the list on the HiQnet page is empty
1.Check that all AKG receivers are connected to the Hub4000Q, the Hub4000Q front
panel LEDs show connection status of the attached receivers, and there is a network
connection between the Hub4000Q and the console (via a network switch if
2. Check that the IP Config of the console and the Hub4000Q match – if using a
router with DHCP server and you do not want to use a manually set IP address,
make sure the console is set to ‘DHCP’ mode in the Menu-System-HiQnet page.
The AKG receivers are listed in the Device list on the HiQnet page are greyed out.
This indicates that there is a network connection has previously existed correctly but
there is now a connection error – either the Hub4000Q has been disconnected or
switched off, or there is another connection problem between the Hub and desk or
router and desk. Check all network connections.