Spirit Digital 328 v2
Fostex D5
The Fostex D5 detects clock frequency from the 328 AES/EBU output sample rate flag setting and
not the 328 internal clock frequency (see page 5). Consequently the sample rate flag setting
should be set to the same as the 328 internal clock, or if the 328 is slaving to another external
source, to the sample rate of that source.
When slaving to the Fostex D5 output, a change of sample rate on the DAT tape will cause the
328 to lose wordclock. Enter the 328 Clock Source Select menu to set the 328 back to slave to
the AES/EBU input.
When slaving to the Fostex D5 output, changing the DAT tape to a tape with a different sample
rate from the previous tape will cause the 328 to lose wordclock. Enter the 328 Clock Source
Select menu to set the 328 back to slave to the AES/EBU input.
Pro Flag may be set to on or off in the 328 AES/EBU or S/PDIF output setup menus.
The D5 input should be set to Digital XLR with the input select switch.
Tascam DA-302
The DA-302 detects clock frequency from the 328 AES/EBU output sample rate flag setting and
not the 328 internal clock frequency (see page 5). Consequently the sample rate flag setting
should be set to the same as the 328 internal clock, or if the 328 is slaving to another external
source, to the sample rate of that source.
Pro Flag may be set to on or off in the 328 AES/EBU or S/PDIF output setup menus.
A momentary click may be heard when adjusting 328 S/PDIF output status bits until the DA-302
syncs again and MARGIN may register on the DA-302 display – use the <MARGIN RESET> switch
to clear (DA-302 manual p 9/10).
Adjusting status bit settings or the 328 sample rate while recording or in record ready mode will
result in momentary clicks in the audio stream and a temporary dropout on the DA-302 input,
indicated on the DA-302 input meters.
‘Digital’ must be selected as input source on input selection switch.
Input source select switch
Input select switch
Notes on Specific DAT
Notes on Specific DAT
Notes on Specific DAT
Notes on Specific DAT