16, 22, 22MTK User Manual
Soundcraft Sapphyre Asymmetric EQ
The Soundcraft Signature console uses a special Asymmetric EQ first developed for the renowned
Soundcraft Sapphyre console. This EQ makes both creative and functional tonal shaping of your signal
simple and intuitive - an EQ that works the way music does.
The shelving bands of the EQ (LF and HF) use a slight boost at the EQ’s frequency when cutting,
and a slight cut when boosting.
For low frequencies, a slight cut when boosting prevents muddiness in he signal, while a slight boost when
cutting enables you to clean up the low end without losing precious ‘punch’ and ‘body’ of the signal. For the
HF shelf, a slight cut when boosting prevents harsh resonance at the EQ’s frequency, and a slight boost
before a cut can help maintain brightness while reducing HF.
The mid-bands (bell-shape) have a wide bandwidth (low Q) when boosting, and a narrower band-
width (high Q) when cutting.
The wide boost prevents prevent harsh resonances and tonal-changes that allow for a more pleasing and
musical EQ boost. The Narrow cut focuses on problematic frequencies, for getting rid of resonances, rings,
hums, and preventing feedback. If this was too wide you could remove too much ‘body’, creating a thin