Soundcraft Si Expression Quick Start Guide 1112
The Si EXPRESSION incorporates a safety feature to prevent the power ‘accidently’ being turned
off. To shut down the console:
1. Press and hold the POWER key for ~2 seconds, the power light will flash orange.
2. To confirm the shut down press the POWER key again whilst the light is flashing.
If the confirmation is not received within ~5 seconds the command is cancelled and the
POWER key reverts to solid green.
The Si EXPRESSION software is updated via the
USB port on the front panel. Details and special
instructions for any release will be included with
the software release package however the ‘normal’
procedure is listed below for reference:
1. Unzip the files to a USB key in the root directory, you should have two or three files:
EXPRESSIONFader.hex (optional, see release notes)
2. Switch the console off using the POWER key.
3. Press and hold the POWER key for approx 5 seconds, a SOFTWARE LOADER screen
shall appear.
4. Insert your USB stick and then press the MENU key.
5. Select the INFO.XML file using the adjust encoder, the LOAD button at the bottom right
of the touch screen window will appear when a valid selection is made.
6. Press the LOAD button. Software will begin loading.
7. Wait until both progress bars have reached 100%, and the 'tick' symbol has appeared
to the right of each progress bar, before removing the USB stick.
NOTE: Always follow on-screen instructions and release notes as updates to fader
firmware or similar may require additional user input.
The following procedure will restore the console back to the factory defaults.
NOTE: All settings, cues, users, profiles and shows will be lost.
1. Starting with the console off, hold the POWER key for ~5 seconds until the console starts.
2. Press the MENU key once the loader screen appears.
3. Press the LR, MONO and FX1 keys together, this opens the update page.
4. Press the CLEAR SD CARD button on the touch screen.
5. Restart the console.