Troubleshooting Drives, PC Cards, and Peripheral Devices
I cannot establish a connection between two VAIO
computers when using an i.LINK
Disconnect the i.LINK cable from both computers and then reconnect it.
Wait for the computers to respond. If neither computer responds after a few moments, restart both computers.
The computers may not recognize an i.LINK connection after returning from a power saving mode (Standby or
Hibernate). If this happens, restart the computers to establish a connection.
i.LI N K is a Sony trademark us ed to des ignate that a produc t c ontains an I E E E 1 3 9 4 c onnec tion. T he i.LI N K c onnec tion may vary, depending on the
s oftware applic ations , operating s ys tem, and c ompatible i.LI N K devic es . A ll produc ts with an i.LI N K c onnec tor may not c ommunic ate with eac h other. Refer
to the doc umentation that c ame with your c ompatible i.LI N K devic e for information on operating c onditions and proper c onnec tion. Before c onnec ting
c ompatible i.LI N K P C peripherals to your s ys tem, s uc h as a C D-RW or hard dis k drive, c onfirm their operating s ys tem c ompatibility and required operating
c onditions .
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