28. Auto Registration Troubleshooting
Fortunately, the RA-5A and RA-6 chassis have included a new set of instructions known as “COPY” and “ALCOPY”.
Convergence is adjusted in the FULL mode, saved and Flash Focus
offset rewritten. ALCOPY is selected from
the PJE menu and the data changed from 0 to 1. Pressing “Mute” – “Enter” copies the data from the FULL mode
to all the others. The COPY command will perform the same function but will not copy the data to the WIDE
ZOOM mode.
TIP: Pressing the “DISPLAY” button on the remote while in the PJE mode will immediately engage the “ALCOPY”
feature without having to scroll all the way back to the beginning of the PJE menu.
Flash Focus
It is quite frustrating to receive an error message while attempting to write sensor offset data after a lengthy
convergence session. In some cases, errors occur after minor touchups in the fine mode. In order to obtain a
better grasp on dealing with this situation, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of how this circuit
functions. Figure 28-1 illustrates the screen and the sensor locations.
Although earlier designs incorporated eight sensors, the four-sensor arrangement is more common, used in all
of the newer sets and will be used for illustration purposes.
Sensors 0 and 3 are used for horizontal centering, skew and limited vertical size control. Sensors 1 and 2 are
used for vertical centering, skew and limited horizontal size control. It is important to know the numbers of these
locations since they are identified when an error occurs during Flash Focusing. If the model uses eight sensors,
the adjustment section of the service manual will illustrate the sensors and their identification numbers.
The convergence CPU generates the red, green and blue boxes that you observe “dancing” at the edge of the
screen during Flash Focus
. They are technically known as “flags”.
Figure 28-2 demonstrates a somewhat exaggerated view of the green flags displayed while Flash Focusing.
The sensors are shown in their normal location outside the screen bezel. The flags do not appear simultaneously
as shown. They “dance” from side to side and top to bottom. The pair starts near the left side of the sensors and
moves to the right to establish an offset voltage based on the light received by the sensors for each pair of flags.
When Flash Focusing in the service mode, the offset voltage is read and compared to the adjustment data you
have written in memory. This will establish the necessary offset data to be written so when the customer uses the
Flash Focus
, the sensors will know where to position each color to the previous service alignment. In the
customer mode, they will stop when the correct offset is matched to that in memory.