Technical Information: Sony HD System Cameras
V6.0 / 03-2014
5.6. HXCU-D70 & Signal Interfaces
The HXCU-D70 is the new multicore CCU for the HXC-D70 camera head.
Apart from its compact design (only 1.5U high in a 19”-Rack), it features all standard
broadcast interfaces to be easily integrated into a broadcast or professional
environment. Not only does it offer the broadcast interfaces, but it offers consumer
interfaces, too (e.g. HDMI) so that low-price equipment can be integrated thus
keeping the entire system costs on a very economical level.
Key outputs are the 4 HD-/SD-SDI interfaces (BNC) which can be switched from HD-
SDI to SD-SDI (per pair).
One prompter channel and return channels are available as a standard and the 8pin
remote connector allows to connect the remote panels being compatible to the HDC-
and HSC-series of cameras. The customer can select from a wide variety of remote
panels to match every application and budget.
The front panel operation comes as a standard feature so that basic camera remote
functions can be controlled directly from the front panel without having to invest in
peripheral RCP equipment.
Another cost-effective way of controlling up to 5 cameras remotely from a PC is the
new software option
, exclusively designed for the HXC-D70-series of
cameras. This software emulates 5 RCPs on a specific GUI (incl. joystick control for
Iris) with all access to the camera settings via mouse click. It is a very economical
way of controlling up to 5 HXC-D70 cameras in a small studio environment.
Picture 40: Multicore CCU for HXC-D70 (HXCU-D70)
Audio Outputs (2x XLR 3p)
HDMI Output
Return Inputs (4x VBS)
HD-/SD-SDI Outputs
Front View
Rear View