Technical Information: Sony HD System Cameras
V6.0 / 03-2014
2.4. Best Ergonomics
For a cameraman it is very important to carry a camera on his shoulder which is well-
balanced, lightweight and shows the very best ergonomical features.
With the new HDC-2500-series, Sony has carefully listened to the needs of the
cameramen and has improved the design of the portable camera accordingly:
Thanks to the use of carbon graphite for the right side cover, the weight of
the camera body is only 4.5 kg (refer to picture 11).
The center of gravity is exactly on the shoulder thanks to the new location of
the power supply unit and the arrangement of the boards.
The camera handle and the shape of the camera body have been improved to
allow a better sight through the handle (refer to picture 12).
In order to improve the reliability esp. under outdoor conditions, Sony has
improved the shielding of the parts by using silicon tubes and increasing the
area for painting to protect the body against water immersion.
Picture 11 shows the carbon graphite side cover of HDC-2500-series
Picture 12: new HDC-2500 series new shape of camera design