Optimizing each of these in the order stated will result in the easiest, and I
believe the best setup (with my limited knowledge and skill).
Mechanical Setup
Setting up the projector physically is likely the most important step in setting
up a CRT PJ as the quality of all subsequent setup hinges on this.
Throw Distance
First, the proper distance must be determined. PJCalc (use version 1.8) will
give you the throw distance for your PJ for whatever screen width you desire.
The consensus with most Sony 12xx owners, the people who set them up
and me is that 80” wide is about as big as you should go, without sacrificing
brightness and sharpness. This results in a throw distance of approximately
109” from the screen to the green tube.
I’ve moved my projector closer to the screen to use more of the phosphor
area. This gives a brighter image and allows for a larger number of scan
lines to be resolved. The following is the method I used to maximize my
phosphor use:
Set the projector on a table
Center the image on the green (see later notes)
Project an image with the projector
Set it up roughly (focus)
Cut off the red and blue tube (as you move the PJ they’ll need to
reconverged anyway)
Look into the lenses and set the width of the image so it’s close to the
edge of the phosphor area. Ensure you have at least 1/4” of unused
phosphor on each side.
Move the projector so that the image fills the screen with a slight
amount of over scan; say 1” on edge side of the screen.