K600/K608/V600 Working Instructions - mechanical
3/00021-1/FEA 209 544/94 A
Company Internal
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
3.15 Microphone
Follow the Removal instructions of sections 3.1 – 3.3
Remove the microphone with a dentist hook.
Place a microphone into the frame cavity.
Press the microphone gently to the bottom of the cavity.
Follow the Assembly instructions of sections 3.3 – 3.1
3.16 Camera, rear
Follow the Removal instructions of sections 3.1 – 3.2
Remove the camera with a dentist hook or with your
fingers by lifting it straight up.
Position the camera so that the guiding pin on the camera
goes into the guiding hole of the socket on the PCB.
Use your fingers to mount the camera.
Follow the Assembly instructions of sections 3.2 – 3.1