Standby position :
In standby position all capacitors are charged but quiescent current in both power amps is reduced to zero. The front panel
electronics are still watching the state of the power amplifier. When the Kratos is switched to “on” quiescent current will build up slowly.
Standard operation:
If the Kratos is connected via its standard inputs like RCA or XLR and none of the remote functions is in use, the display
will tell you that the system is running in local mode. In this setting you are able to control the system by using the button on the front.
Remote function:
By connecting the remote cable (or setting the switch on the bottom to “Music sense”) the Kratos will tell you that any control
is taken over.
The remote sign is only visible if the connected system is switched on or in case of “Music sense” the detection system is
activated by an incoming signal!
By using any of these remote options still there is a full control on temperature or any kind of malfunction. The Standby/on button on the Kratos
will be disabled in this state.
In a case that a remote cable cannot be used, the Kratos can be set to “Music sense” by using the switch on the bottom. If any signal is coming
in having a level above -50 dB the Kratos will be switched on. If no signal is coming in after activation Kratos will be switched off after approx. 30