Installation Guide
consumers which may be important during a grid outage are specified in the sample
calculation presented below.
How much capacity of the storage system should be reserved as backup buffer?
The following example, in which a utility room and other important functions within
a single-family home are to be supplied with power, can be used to determine this.
This example is based on a grid outage lasting one hour (the individual power
consumption values are estimated values).
In this example the total power requirement for a grid outage lasting one hour is approx. 1.1
kWh, in order to maintain the function of all the listed consumers.
Use this calculation to determine with the operator which backup buffer should be
set, taking the total capacity of the storage system and other requirements (e.g.,
from sonnenFlat tariff) into account (see Section 7.2 Setting up the sonnenProtect-
Plus and Section 7.3 Changing the backup buffer using the Web Interface of the
storage system).