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SONIK - 1999
Appendix C: Satellite Link Mode Configuration for External NIU
Connection between External NIU and SONIK PTX150 transmitter:
Connect the DATA, GND and CLK output signal of satellite receiver to TB1-5(Rx
Data), TB1-4(GND) and TB1-6(Rx CLK) of External NIU.
Jumper settings of External NIU:
S15 Pin 1 is set to be ON. Others remain intact.
Software configuration for External NIU:
The serial port settings are: COM1, 19200bps, N, 8, 1.
[ 0] NIU> set link
; Link settings
link = fm2 @ 9600 from digital_in
[ 0] NIU> set align_type
; Syncronization mode
GPS Mode: Alignment type is gps
No GPS Mode: Alignment type is dir_sync
[ 0] NIU> config devid
; Base station device ID.
[ 0] NIU> config sysid
; System ID.
[ 0] NIU> config txd
; Paging data polarity.
[ 0] NIU> set maint_polarity
; Maintenance cycle polarity.
[ 0] NIU> show gps
; At GPS mode, display current GPS settings.
[ 0] NIU> show status
; Display current External NIU status.
[ 0] NIU> show alarm
; Display alarms for External NIU.
[ 0] NIU> show config
; Display current NIU system parameters.
[ 0] NIU> show dipsw
; Display current NIU jumper settings.