Ember+ Interface 13
Parameter Value Specification
This section provides a full list of the possible parameter
values for the Ember+ interface. Integer values with the ‘0x’
prefix are in hexadecimal format.
This is a read only leaf that describes the unit.
Intercom Name (string):
Max length = 23 characters
Address Mode (integer):
0 = Dynamic, 1 = Static
IP Address (string):
Max length = 15 characters
Subnet Mask (string):
Max length = 15 characters
Auto Multicast (integer):
0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
Stream Name (string):
Max length = 12 characters
DSCP (integer):
Min = 0, Max = 56
IP Address (string):
Max length = 15 characters
DSCP (integer):
Min = 0, Max = 56
Profile (integer):
0 = Default
1 = AES67 Media
2 = Custom
Domain Number (integer):
Min = 0
Max = 127 (Default Profile)
Max = 255 (AES67 Media Profile)
Max = 255 (Custom Profile)
Priority 1 (integer):
Min = 0, Max = 255
Priority 2 (integer):
Min = 0, Max = 255
Announce Interval (integer):
Setting value is 2
Min = 0 (Default Profile)
Min = 0 (AES67 Media Profile)
Min = -3 (Custom Profile)
Max = 4
Announce Timeout (integer):
Min = 2, Max = 10
Sync Interval (integer):
Setting value is 2
Min = -1, Max = 1 (Default Profile)
Min = -4, Max = 1 (AES67 Media Profile)
Min = -7, Max = 6 (Custom Profile)
Min Delay Request Interval (integer):
Setting value is 2
Min and Max values in following read
only parameters
Min Delay Request Interval Min (integer): Value is read only
Greater of 0 or Sync Interval (Default Profile)
Greater of -3 or Sync Interval (AES67 Media Profile)
Sync Interval (Custom Profile)
Min Delay Request Interval Max (integer): Value is read only: