13 Ember+ Interface
13. Ember+ Interface
The AVN-TB6 and AVN-TB6D have an Ember+ provider interface that
exposes all of the available configuration options. It also allows the GPIO,
virtual GPIO and the relay to be controlled and monitored by an external
Ember+ consumer.
Connecting to the Ember+ Interface
The Ember+ interface is available on both the Ethernet and AoIP network
connections using port 9000. Each of the configuration options are arranged
in branches grouped by function. Fig 13-1 shows a graphical representation
of the root structure.
Fig 13-1: Ember+ Root Structure
The configuration options are presented as either string or integer types.
Where possible, integer type options are enumerated to indicate what each
of the setting values are. A full list of the options and values associated with
each of the Ember+ parameters are on page 45.
The GPIO branch of the Ember+ provider interface allows monitoring and
control of the GPIO ports and the relay. Fig 13-2 shows the structure of
each GPIO child node For further details on the configuration options, refer
to page 37.
Fig 13-2: Ember+ GPIO Branch Structure