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ISP Connection Information
Before you can begin installing your SonicWALL security appliance, determine the IP addressing method
your Internet Service Provider (ISP) uses for your Internet connection. The most common IP addressing
used for Internet connections include:
A single, public static IP address assigned for Internet connectivity or a range or public addresses
A dynamic IP address assigned by the ISP using DHCP (commonly used for cable-based Internet
A dynamic or static IP address assigned by the ISP for PPPoE-based DSL Internet service
If you are not using one of the network configurations above, step-by-step installation instructions for
additional networking methods are found in
your SonicOS Standard Administrator’s Guide. The
Administrator’s Guide is located on your SonicWALL Resource CD and requires Acrobat Reader to view it.
Acrobat Reader is also provided on your product CD.
Record all of your networking information in the checklist below:
Dialup Phone Number
If you are using a dialup modem connection:_______________________
IP Addressing using DHCP
No action necessary. The SonicWALL security appliance automatically detects the presence of a DHCP
server during setup.
IP Addressing using PPPoE
The SonicWALL security appliance automatically detects the presence of a PPPoE connection, but you
need your IPS account username and password.
User Name:________________________
IP Addressing using a Single, Static Public IP Address
IP Address:________________________
Subnet Mask:______________________
Default Gateway:___________________
Primary DNS:______________________
Secondary DNS:___________________
Other Information
SSID:________________________ Account
SonicWALL Management Interface