Somogyi MX 633A Instruction Manual Download Page 2

solar lamp, green van


 • wireless, energy saving solar lamp • power LED • automatic turn on/off: it is charged during the day, it lights during the night • built-in solar cell 

and battery recharger • it may work continuously even for 8 hours • replaceable rechargeable battery • water repellent design

The garden solar ligth works automatically with solar battery and it works without further current cost.  

The battery charged during the day via the built-in solar cell feeds the LED during the night. The useful life of light emitters is around 100,000 operating hours 

and they do not need any maintenance. The built-in battery – if it ages – can be replaced. 


The light can be activated by setting the switch located on its base to ON.
If you do not use the device for a long time (e.g. in the winter period), take the battery off and store it at a temperature higher than the freezing point after you 
have carefully cleaned the cover.

Following the previous operations, the lamp will automatically function, the battery is charged during the day, it switches on in the night twilight and lights 
continuously. Its duration depends on how long and what light intensity was projected to it before.
The operation – before placing the lamp outside – can be controlled if the whole upper part is covered. The lamp is not in a charged condition in the package 
that is why you should charge it by light for a short time before the test. You should remember that the lamp was designed to function in the darkness. In a light 
environment it will either only glimmer or will not light at all.

When the lamp is switched off (the battery is taken off) the battery charging will stop and the lamp will not switch on at night either. The energy produced 
by the solar cells, however, can operate the light emitting diode (LED). It is a natural phenomenon that under the effect of strong light, the switched-off lamp 
lights – during the day.


In order that the battery can be charged to the best possible extent – and that it can further insure the voltage necessary for the lighting of the LED’s for the 
longest possible time during the night –, the lamp should be placed at a sunny place, free from shadow. The direct, full sun-glare is projected to it the longer, it 
will light the longer. After a glorious day, it may even be approximately 8 hours – although it will not achieve the fully charged condition this time either.

replacement of the battery

If the length of lighting becomes considerably shorter during the years – following the same lighting conditions during the day – it will be necessary to replace 
the battery. The recommended battery model is 500-800 mAh.
After removing the screws take out the rechargeable batteries, then set in the new batteries according to the correct polarity!


• If a battery, with a higher capacity than the defined capacity, is used, this will not result in higher operation time!
• At a temperature that is around the freezing-point, the cold battery does not provide a voltage that would be enough for the operation.
• Before winter comes, it is advised to dismantle, clean and store the device at a place free from frost.
•  Clean the cover – especially the solar cell – regularly, by taking care that it should not be scraped by rough cleaning agents! 
• The lamp should not be pressed strongly during assembly and placement!

Do not discard with communal waste. At the end of its life, dispose of product at a facility specializing in the collection of electronic waste. If you have any 
question or remark in connection with this, contact the seller or local waste management organization. By doing so, you will protect the environment as 
well as the health of others and yourself.

Battery disposal

Do not dispose of used batteries with normal communal waste. The user is obliged under law to take any used or dead batteries to the local collection facility or 
point of original purchase. This allows the environmentally friendly disposal of batteries.

technical Specification

battery: 1,2 V / Ni-MH / AA, 300 mAh
light source: 2 white LEDs
useful life of the light source: approximately 100.000 operating hours
achievable length of lighting: around 8 hours / night 

Summary of Contents for MX 633A

Page 1: ...instruction manual eredeti használati utasítás návod na použitie manual de utilizare uputstvo za upotrebu navodilo za uporabo MX 633A ...

Page 2: ...d that it can further insure the voltage necessary for the lighting of the LED s for the longest possible time during the night the lamp should be placed at a sunny place free from shadow The direct full sun glare is projected to it the longer it will light the longer After a glorious day it may even be approximately 8 hours although it will not achieve the fully charged condition this time either...

Page 3: ...él tovább biztosítsa a LED ek világításához szükséges feszültséget feltétlenül árnyékmentes napfényes helyre szükséges tenni Minél hosszabb ideig éri közvetlen tűző napfény annál tovább fog világítani Ez egy verőfényes napot követően hozzávetőlegesen 8 óra is lehet bár ekkor sem éri el a teljes feltöltöttséget Az akkumulátor kicserélése Amennyiben az évek során azonos nappali megvilágítási feltéte...

Page 4: zabezpečil napätie potrebné k svieteniu LED diódy svietidlo treba bezpodmienečne umiestniť na slnečné miesto Čím dlhšie na neho svieti priame slnečné svetlo tým dlhšie bude svietiť Po slnečnom dni to môže byť aj 8 hodín hoci ani vtedy sa akumulátor nenabije úplne Výmena akumulátora Ak v priebehu používania po rovnakom dennom osvetlení sa podstatne skráti doba svietenia bude potrebné vymeniť aku...

Page 5: ...trucaacumulatorulsăseîncarcecâtmaibine şiastfelîntimpulnopţiisăasigurealimentareapentruLEDpeoperioadădetimpcâtmailungă lampatrebuie amplasată într un loc bine iluminat de soare fără umbră Cu cât este mai lungă perioada de expunere la soare cu atât mai lungă va fi perioada în care va lumina noaptea Aceasta după o zi însorită poate să fie aproximativ 8 ore cu toate că nici în acest caz nu va atinge ...

Page 6: ... je pojava da pod dejstvom jake dnevne svetlosti isključena lampa odaje svetlost POSTAVLJANJE Da bi lampa noću svetlela što duže neophodno je da su akumulatori što potpunije napunjenji Za bolje punjenje solarnu ćeliju treba postaviti na sunčano mesto bez senke Što duže traje direktna sunčena svetlost lampa duže svetli Posle jednog sunčanog dana lampa će svetleti otprilike osam sati Ukoliko duže vr...

Page 7: ...jajo solarne celice Naravni pojav je da pri močni dnevni svetlobi izključena luč oddaja svetlobo POSTAVITEV Dabilučponočisvetilačimdalje jepomembnodasoakumulatorjičimboljenapolnjeni Zaboljšepolnjenjejetrebapostavitisolarnoceliconasončnomestobrez sence Čim dalje traja sončna svetloba luč dalje sveti Po enem sončnem dnevu bo luč svetila približno osem ur Vkolikordaljčasaneuporabljatenapravo npr vzim...

Page 8: ...ilău judeţul Cluj România Str Principală nr 52 Cod poştal 407310 Telefon 40 264 406 488 Fax 40 264 406 489 www somogyi ro Ţara de origine China Uvoznik za SRB ELEMENTA d o o Jovana Mikića 56 24000 Subotica Srbija Tel 381 0 24 686 270 www elementa rs Zemlja uvoza Mađarska Zemlja porekla Kina Proizvođač Somogyi Elektronic Kft Distributer za SLO ELEMENTA ELEKTRONIKA d o o Cesta zmage 13A 2000 Maribor...
