Motor Rotation Direction
When operating 3 phase motors, it is possible for the motors to turn in the
wrong direction when starting up the machine. The close coupled pulper has 3
motors, each of which needs to have the direction of rotation confirmed.
The pulper drive motor should turn counter clockwise as viewed
from inside the pulping tank.
The auger in the extractor drive should turn clockwise, as viewed
from above. If the extractor drive is attempting to turn
backwards, it will likely stall and cause an overload to trip
instead of actually turning backwards.
To check the direction of rotation of the return pump, you must
remove the top panel from the shrouded area between the pulper and
the extractor. (Just below the extractor access door.) The return
pump sits vertically within this shrouded area, with the motor fan
facing upward. The proper direction of rotation is counter-
clockwise, as viewing the motor fan from above.
Amperage Draw of Motors
When the pulper is operating, the amperage draw of each of the motors goes a
long way in telling whether the unit is installed and operating correctly.
The amperage of each motor should be checked below each of the motor overload
relays in the main control panel. The following chart shows the amperage
readings that should be expected when the pulper is operating on
water only.
These readings should be checked before waste is fed into the pulper.
w/ 230-Volt Supply
w/ 460 Volt Supply
Pulper Drive
10 amps, (+/- 1 amp)
5 amps, (+/- ½ amp)
Extractor Drive
3 amps, (+/- 1 amp)
1 ½ amps, (+/- ½ amp)
Return Pump Drive
7 amps, (+/- 1 amp)
3 ½ amps, (+/- ½ amp)