5. Operation
Powe r Pa ramete r
Powe r Pa ra :
Y E S = < E N T > N O = < E S C >
Figu re 5.29 Powe r Pa ramete r
5 .6 .4 Reset Passwo rd
. 38.
Reset Passwo rd: In this page , use r can reset the inve rte r passwo rd , but the admin
passwo rd is always valid.
Reset Password
201 5-02-23 1 9 35
P l ease I n p ut N ew Passwo rd
Y E S = < E N T > N O = < E S C >
Figu re 5.30 Reset Passwo rd
5. Operation
5 .6 . 5 Resta rt H M I
This function is to reboot the LCD sc reen.
5 .6 .6 Storage Energy Set
This section contains wo rking mode setting , batte ry cont rol setting , etc.
Storage Ene rgy Set
201 5-02-23 1 9 35
Battery Select
Meter Select
Storage Mode Select
Battery Wakeup
Figu re 5.31 Sto rage Ene rgy set
5 .6 .6 .1 Control Parameter
Enter the Control Parameter menu as shown below:
Don't change the settings without the permission of technicians.
Control Parameter
201 5-02-23 1 9 35
Backup Supply :
Floating Cha rge :
Backup Votage :
Eq u a l izin g Cha rge :
000 .0V
Cu rrent Di rection :
Cha rge
Battery Overoltage :
Batte ry Cu rrent :
000 .0 A
Batte ry Unde rvoltage :
Cha rge Limitation :
000 .0 A
Voltage D roop :
Discha rge Limitation :
000 .0 A
S E T = < E N T > D O N E = < E S C >
Figu re 5.32 Cont rol Pa ramete r
.39 .