10. Support Bundle Generation
A support bundle is a compressed file that contains critical system files and data. A support bundle
should only be generated after a request from Solida Systems, or the local distributor. A support
bundle is typically only generated if the appliance is having difficulties performing as expected.
The files in the support bundle will help a support engineer to determine the cause of a problem.
10.1 Generating a support bundle
To generate a support bundle, start the configuration application on the appliance experiencing a
problem. Navigate to “Software Updates”. This will display a window that contains a blue button
with the text “Generate Support Bundle”. Pressing this button, and answering Yes in the
confirmation box, will start generating a support bundle. Note that it might take up to 5 minutes
or more for the bundle generation to complete.
10.2 Downloading a Support Bundle
Once a support bundle has been generated, it will be placed in a directory called “support” in the
log file storage area.
Figure 10.1 Log File Management window with support directory opened.
To download a support bundle file, start the configuration application and navigate to “Log File
management”. Then click on the “support” directory icon in the file viewer. This will display all