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Your guide to free HDTV
The Xtreme Signal HDB8X antenna from Solid Signal
is a great
combination of durability and performance. It’s the right antenna for you if you:
• Need an outdoor antenna for good reception
• Live more than 50 miles away from the broadcast towers
• Watch primarily UHF channels
• Need a small antenna to comply with HOA or condo association rules
• Are comfortable mounting an antenna on a mast
If that sounds like you, there’s no doubt you’ll enjoy great FREE HDTV by using this
durable, economical antenna.
How do I know if I need only UHF channels?
A site like
will help you figure out the actual broadcast channels you need.
Remember, since the digital transition,
broadcasters use the PSIP system
to translate
between actual channel numbers and the channel numbers you see. Anything over
channel 12 is considered UHF.
Before you start:
Make sure that you review local ordinances for grounding and
. Also, make sure your ladder is safe and don’t go up on a roof or into
an attic if there is any chance of electricity. Be safe!
Also, remember that all assembly should be done by hand. It should not be necessary
to use tools to tighten anything more than hand tight (except in one case where a
10mm wrench is needed) and if you overtighten the nuts you may risk damage to the