One button to rule them all
The amount of time you apply slight pressure on the power button, will instruct CAIA to
perform different actions:
Short Press
1 – 3 seconds
will trigger CAIA to START an operation
Long Press
3 – 10 seconds
will trigger CAIA to STOP an operation
Very Long Press
more than 10 seconds
will trigger CAIA to RESET
CAIA’s positions
Fold position
This is the position you will find CAIA in when you open the box. CAIA is positioned with the
mirror vertical and rotated so that the mirror is close to the pointer.
Home position
CAIA is positioned with the mirror at 45 degrees and facing towards the pointer.
The sound of brightness
CAIA will respond with a sound to confirm whenever she receives a command. She will also
generate a sound to confirm
mode transitions (when the user is expected to be
present), but not for all.
The sounds are different based on the feedback she is trying to give you (further details on
page 10 and 11).
Cloudy day?
If the sun is obscured (by clouds or other obstructions like trees or buildings), then CAIA will
wait for the sun to return, and will repeat the scan automatically.
A short press will trigger CAIA to rescan immediately if CAIA is not currently tracking the