High threshold (station’s flow alerts):
maximum consumption
in % of your
established station’s flow rate. In case of limit exceeded, you will be instantly alerted
(by email and smartphone and/or tablet notifications).
Low threshold (station’s flow alerts): minimum consumption
in % of your
established station’s flow rate In case of not achieved goal, you will be alerted the
next day at 7am (by email and smartphone and/or tablet notifications). For each
station flow alert you can define the type of action you want:
No action:
the watering goes on.
Suspend watering:
to continue watering “acknowledge” the alert (in the app,
in the corresponding controller).
Permanent OFF:
to restart watering you will need to select ON (in the app, in
the corresponding controller).
it stops the program until new start.
Inhibit the output:
it stops the corresponding station; to restart the station
“acknowledge” the alert.
The settling time:
is the time required to the water flow to be stable, when station
starts or stops. It is meant to avoid the pick flow (start) or the spillage (stop) and to
show the flow measuring. It affects all the stations.
During this time the consumption is not taken into account for alerts or actions alarms.
Step 6
This option allow to automatically reduce or increase the watering time according to
weather forecasts and the local weather. It adjusts the percentage in the following
If the expected quantity of rain for today is
superior or equal to 10 mm
Waterbudget 30%
If the expected quantity of rain for today is
strictly inferior to 10 mm
AND the total amount of the 3 last days is
strictly superior to 0 mm
Waterbudget 100%