Please allow up to an hour for installation. Components and hardware are referenced in each step to the corresponding letters on
the parts list. (See components and parts list).
NOTE: Most rafters are spaced between 16” (41cm) to 24”(60.96cm) on center. Best performance will be achieved by
placing the basement ventilation system in the basement. Its ideal to place it close to the wall so the exhaust ports easily
attach to the system. For either placement DO NOT CUT INTO THE RAFTERS or any other structural member of the building.
Step 1: Mount lower base plate
Measure 1-3 inches off the ground
(Fig. 1.1)
At 1” above ground assembled unit will sit on ground
Align bottom of baseplate with the mark on the wall
If screwing into stud, use the supplied fasteners and attach to
- If screwing into drywall, mark the 6 screw holes on the wall.
• Remove baseplate and drill holes over the marked spots
• Insert anchors
• use supplied fasteners to attach unit to wall
(Fig. 1.2)