Safety, Installation, and Operations Manual
©2021 The Solaria Corporation All rights reserved. Contents subject to change without notice. AUS-MAN-0002 Rev 01, 03-2021
Power Unlocked by Design
B. Tighten the screws
C. The Modules clamps must not contact the front glass or deform the frame in any way, the contact area of the
clamp with the front of the frame must be smooth, otherwise may damage the frame or break the modules.
Avoid shading effects from the Modules clamps. Drainage holes on the Module frame must not be closed or
obscured by the clamps.
D. Front side test load 2400Pa, backside test load 2400Pa, and both safety factor is 1.5
Note: The module has been qualified following the mechanical load requirements per IEC61215:2016 using 3
cycles with a test load of 2400Pa. An additional test cycle of 5400Pa (Front, 4th cycle) and 3600Pa (Back, 4th
cycle) was conducted. This includes a safety factor of 1.5 for a design load of 1600 Pa.
Figure 5 Clamp B (units mm)
Figure 3 Mounting Details,
4 clamps on the long frame side
Figure 4 Clamp A (units mm)