3 Warranty, guarantee, liability
Temperature monitor in the fuel storage
room (TM)
Required according to guideline TRVB 118 H for
wood chips, depending on system design, hea-
ting capacity and fuel storage quantity.
Functioning: On the channel of the fuel delivery
auger, a temperature sensor of a protected
design must be installed in the area of the wall
penetration (inside the storage room). When a
temperature of about 70°C is exceeded, the
warning device is (optically or acousti-
Art. No.: 6565 and 6567
Automatically triggered extinguishing
device (ATED)
This extinguishing device serves to automatically
suppress burn-back within the feeder. Due to the
proper nature and location of the fire detection ele-
ment, burn-back must be reliably detected and
the extinguishing device must be triggered auto-
matically (this must be ensured even in the event
of a power failure).
Functioning: If at the temperature sensor
temperature exceeds 50°C (direct extraction) or
95°C (downpipe extraction), the valve opens and
floods the feeder channel with water through the
connecting pipe
Abb. 2-4
1 Immersion sleeve for temperature sensor (IG)
2 Connection for water discharge (AG)
If this device is not used, both connections
must be sealed shut. False air will otherwise
be drawn into the burner, which will impair bur-
ner performance.
The extinguishing device must be connected eit-
her directly to a pressurised water supply or to a
water reservoir (Note: Domestic waterworks may
also be affected in case of power failure).
The water supply amount must be equal to three
times the volume of the feeder equipment, but at
least 20 litres.
The container must be equipped with a fill level
monitor, including connection to the warning
device (temperature monitor
The inlet opening in the feeder is to be configured
in such a way that blockage through delivery
operation is not possible and this can easily be
checked at any time.
The routing of the extinguishing system must be
made as a non-combustible version.
Art. No.: 63260 and 6553
Specification regarding requirement yes/no see
TRVB 118 H
Manually triggered extinguishing device
This extinguishing device is used to combat a fire
source in the fuel storage room, or fuel storage in
the area of the extraction/delivery line. The trig-
gering must be done manually.
This device consists of an empty pipe with a mini-
mum nominal size of DN 20 and is to be installed
in the fuel storage as specified by the manu-
facturer of the firing system directly above the deli-
very line in front of the wall or ceiling passage in
such a way that the greatest possible success
can be achieved in extinguishing. The empty
piping must be connected directly to a pres-
surized water supply and provided with a shut-off
valve arranged in the boiler room. Mark this valve
with a sign "Extinguisher - Fuel Storage Room".
The execution of the extinguishing system must
be done so that damage during fuel feed or from
the extraction device is not possible. In addition,
make sure that the fuel supply to the delivery line
is not affected.
Specification regarding requirement yes/no see
TRVB 118 H.
Operation manual
maximus L