Solar module mounting instructions
Mono S3
Mono S2
M series
P series
Protecting the cables from damaging environ-
mental influences
Only use UV-resistant cable ties to fix the cables
to the mounting system. Protect exposed cables
from possible damage, e.g. by laying them in pla
stic pipes. Avoid direct sunlight.
Under normal conditions, a PV module can deliver
a higher current and/or voltage than specified in
the standardised test conditions under expected
conditions. To determine the rated voltage values
of components, rated current values of conduc
tors, sizes of fuses and dimensioning of controllers
connected to the output of PV modules.
The values of I
and U
edges. Furthermore,
avoid soiling indicated on the module should the
refore be multiplied by a factor of 1.25.
Ensuring the plug connectors are correctly in-
To ensure that connectors are used correctly, it is
permitted to disconnect the module cable shortly
before the module connector and to install an al
ternative connector approved in writing by SF So
lar Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG.
The connector marketed by SF Solar Fabrik
GmbH & Co. KG of the Forward Electronics brand
is approved for assembly.
More on request if necessary. Please contact your
SF Solar Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG sales represen
The mounting of the connector on the module
must be carried out according to the mounting in
structions enclosed with the connector. The com
plete reassembly of the plug connector may only
be carried out at ground level. It is also important
to ensure that the module is not connected to the
generator field during operation.
The photoactive front side of the module should
be covered as far as possible or face the ground
during all work steps to keep the voltage low.
If all installation instructions are observed and the
installation is carried out by a technical specialist,
the product guarantee of the modules remains in
full force.
Maintenance and cleaning
Usually rainfall ensures that the modules are cle
aned automatically. With sufficient inclination (gre
ater than 15°), it is therefore generally not neces
sary to specially clean the modules. In the event of
heavy soiling, we recommend cleaning with plenty
of water, but without cleaning agents.
Wear clean, non-slip gloves during all transport
and installation work to prevent injury from cuts on
module edges. Furthermore, avoid soiling the so
lar glass with fingerprints, as they can damage the
special coating of the glass.
In case of heavy soiling, we recommend cleaning
with plenty of water with low levels of lime. The
pH value of the water should be between 6.0 and
7.5. Please do not use any nozzle attachment and
only an appropriate water pressure and tempera
ture. The use of cleaning agents and scratching
cleaning equipment would damage the special an
ti-reflective coating and invalidate the product and
performance guarantee.
Never scrape off or rub off impurities when the mo
dule is dry. Damage to the highly efficient antire
flective surface can lead to optical changes of the
module surface as well as to power losses.
The use of automatic cleaning machines for solar
systems is at your own risk and is not approved by
SF Solar Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG.