Turn the on/off switch, transport lock to the right (OFF position). The laser lines will disappear.
If the laser line is not projected vertically to the surface or the surface is uneven, this can lead
to incorrect measurement results.
Make sure that the laser line is projected vertically to the wall or to the detection surface.
7.2 SOLA Li-Ion battery, charging station & charger (optional)
The SOLA Li-ion battery must be completely charged prior to use.
Plug the charger plug into the charging port of the Li-Ion Charger
Connect the SOLA Li-ion charger to a socket.
Insert the SOLA Li-ion battery in the charging station in the correct position.
The charging process takes between 3 and 5 hours, depending on the state of charge and
environmental conditions.
The battery reaches its full capacity after a maximum of 10 charging cycles.
The battery should, ideally, be fully charged at all times. The battery can also be removed from the
charging station before completing the charging process, in urgent cases. The durability of the battery
will not be negatively affected as a result of this (no “memory effect“).