By using of
”recvwin [time]”
command the 433 MHz modem can be switched to ”RADAR” mode for requested
interval. In this mode the modem receives messages from all watermeters in the reach and creates ”RADAR” table,
where each watermeter has only one row (regardless the number of received messages). Thus, this table practically
contains the list of all watermeters in the radio-reach of the module. Length of receiving window is set by [time]
parameter of the command. Example of switching of 433 MHz modem to the ”RADAR” mode for 60 seconds time
mon#recvwin 60
Set receive window on 60 sec.
After expiring of [time] period the ”RADAR” table content can be browsed by using of
Show radar :
id 130551474, rssi -75, time 2019-01-01, 0:01:25+01
id 130551473, rssi -69, time 2019-01-01, 0:01:21+01
id 130551476, rssi -69, time 2019-01-01, 0:01:17+01
id 130551477, rssi -54, time 2019-01-01, 0:01:13+01
id 130400388, rssi -103, time 2019-01-01, 0:01:12+01
id 130551475, rssi -62, time 2019-01-01, 0:01:11+01
As evident form the example, during the receiving window the module received messages from six Sensus iPERL
watermeters. Each record contains watermeter serial number (id), radio-signal strength in dB (rssi) and message
receiving time (time). Stored values come from the first received message from the watermeter in the receiving
”Set Sensus meter ID”
variable serves for setting of list of Sensus iPERL watermeters, that is intended
to be read by the NB-K430 module. Each record to the list could be created by using of
”sid [index] [value]”
command, where meter ID (serial number) is linked with meter index (0 - 9).
Example of command for entering of iPERL watermeter with ”130551477” serial number into the list of read meters
under index ”4”:
cfg#sid 4 130551477
Sensus ID[4] changed from : 0 to : 130551477
Current list of read watermeters is stated in the list of all configuration parameters. The list can be also displayed
by using of ”sid” command without parameters:
Sensus ID[0] : 130551475
Sensus ID[1] : 130551473
Sensus ID[2] : 130551474
Sensus ID[3] : 130551476
Sensus ID[4] : 130551477
Sensus ID[5] : 0
Sensus ID[6] : 0
Sensus ID[7] : 0
Sensus ID[8] : 0
Sensus ID[9] : 0
Due to decreasing of broadcasting frequency (saving of battery lifetime) the module enables transfer of higher
number of before read values in one message. In this case the message does not contain current values of meters,
but it contains an array of previously performed readings, that were stored in module internal memory (hereinafter
historical readings”). Each set of historical readings is accompanied by the time of reading (
timestamp”) and
this timestamp is also transferred to the central system. Memory volume enables storing
up to 120 historical
, what means that one broadcasted message can contain data from up to 12 receiving windows even in
case the maximum number of 10 watermeters is read.
As the maximum number of historical readings in one message is 120, reading period should be set with respect to