© TrynEx International 2014 (REV A) F51877
This operating manual is intended to help you to get to know the SS-4000 and how to operate it safely, correctly and economically. If you
observe these instructions, you will prevent hazards, reduce repair costs and breakdown times, and increase the reliability and service life of
the machine.
This manual must be read and used in conformity to existing workplace regulations. The manual must be made available where the machine
is being used.
The manual must be read and used by every person who will be working with or on the machine, such as for
• Operation (including preparation, repair during operation, & clean-up)
• Repairs (maintenance, inspection, overhaul), and/or
• Transport.
All established technical regulations for safety and proper working practice must be observed in addition to this manual and any applicable
regulations for the prevention of accidents. Should you lose your Owner’s Manual or would like extra copies, they can be purchased at your
SnowEx dealer.
The Society of Automotive Engineers has adopted this Safety Alert Symbol to pinpoint characteristics that,
if not carefully followed, can create a safety hazard. When you see this symbol in this manual or on the
machine itself, be alert! Your personal safety and the safety of others is involved.
Defined below are the Safety Alert Messages.
Information that, if not carefully followed, can cause death.
Information that, if not carefully followed, can cause serious personal injury or death.
Information that, if not carefully followed, can cause minor injury or damage to equipment.
This symbol is used to call out information that is important to follow carefully.
Note: Some of the photos in this manual show the SS-4000 with the optional Mult-Purpose Brush Kit SBK-020.
Record important machine information here for quick reference. This information can be found on the serial number plate located at the back
of the machine on the wheel drive enclosure.
Model _______________________________________
Serial # _______________________________________
Engine Model
Engine Serial #
Date Purchased ________________________________
Dealer where purchased
See separate Warranty Information Card for your warranty coverage.
Model: SS-4000
Engine: Honda GXV160
HP: 4.3
Weight: 238 lbs
Manuf. 2013
Serial No. T1-100000
TrynEx International LLC
531 Ajax Drive
Madison Heights MI 48071