16992140 Rev C
PloWInG tIPs
• Know the area you are plowing. Be aware of all hidden obstacles (pipes, drains, berms, etc.)
• Plow with the storm, do not let snow accumulate
• Always lower the plow blade when parking to minimize the risk of the plow dropping and to reduce the
load on the truck suspension.
• When transporting the plow – monitor coolant temperature. If the truck is running hot, adjust the plow
position to allow additional airflow to the radiator.
• Plowing at high speeds increases the potential for damage to your plow AND your truck
tRouBlesHootInG, continued
Status light blinks 4 times
Continuity Problem
Check voltage at S2 or S3 VALVE coils
If no voltage present, check cable and connections
Replace/repair cable or connections
Check S2/S3 VALVE for contamination
Spool must move freely, and sleeve area must be
clear of any debris
Remove S2/S3 VALVE and check free movement of
spool, clean any chips/debris from valve
Replace S2/S3 VALVE
LeFt anD Right Wing Won't RetRaCt
Status light blinks 5 times
Continuity Problem
Check voltage at S4 VALVE coil
If no voltage present, check cable and connections
Replace/repair cable or connections
Confirm BLUE/WHT wire at S4
Check S4 VALVE for contamination
Spool must move freely, and sleeve area must be
clear of any debris
Remove S4 VALVE and check free movement of
spool, clean any chips/debris from valve
Replace S4 VALVE
LeFt Wing Won't extenD oR RetRaCt
Status light blinks 7 times
Continuity Problem
Check voltage at S5 VALVE coil
If no voltage present, check cable and connections
Replace/repair cable or connections
Confirm ORANGE/WHITE wire at S5 VALVE
Check S5 VALVE for contamination
Spool must move freely, and sleeve area must be
clear of any debris
Remove S5 VALVE and check free movement of
spool, clean any chips/debris from valve
Replace S5 VALVE
Right Wing Won't extenD oR RetRaCt
Status light blinks 6 times
Continuity Problem
Check voltage at S6 VALVE coil
If no voltage present, check cable and connections
Replace/repair cable or connections
Confirm GREEN/WHITE wire at S6 VALVE
Check S6 VALVE for contamination
Spool must move freely, and sleeve area must be
clear of any debris
Remove S6 VALVE and check free movement of
spool, clean any chips/debris from valve
Replace S6 VALVE
PLoW DRiFts WhiLe PLoWing snoW
Air in Fluid
Bleed air from system
Slightly loosen fittings to angle cylinders and angle
the plow. Tighten fittings while fluid is escaping.
Do this over an absorbent mat, or hold a rag over
fitting to absorb excess fluid.
Check CHECK VALVES for contamination
Poppet must move freely, and seat and piston area
must be clear of any debris
Remove CHECK valves and clean
Replace CHECK valve
Check RELIEF valves for contamination
Poppet must move freely, and seat must be clear of
any debris
Remove RELIEF valves and clean
Replace RELIEF valves