M2 Scope/Meter
M2 Scope/Meter Operations
F2 Key, Freeze
A press of the F2 key freezes, or so that the displayed value remains static. A second press of the
F2 key returns to unit to normal operation. This function is available in normal and relative modes.
F3 Key and Range Key
Pressing the F3 and Range keys changes the measuring range. Measuring ranges vary by which
function (
Volts DC, Volts AC, Resistance, Auxiliary) is selected
. A long press of the F3 or Range key
returns to unit to auto-range operation. This function is available in normal and relative modes.
Min/Max Key
Press the Min/Max key and the display shows both the instantaneous voltage reading and the
minimum and maximum voltages that occurred since the last time the key was pressed. See
Sample active menu select mode screen
The displayed values continue to update until the Min/Max key is pressed again, then:
A short press of the Min/Max key resets the readings
A long press of the Min/Max key returns to normal Volts DC mode.
S Key, Special Functions
The S key is used to activate special time measurement functions available when sampling
voltage. Each press of the S key advances to the next function in the following order:
1. The screen changes to show the frequency, period, and duty cycle of the test signal.
2. The screen changes to show the frequency, period, and pulse width of the test signal.
When displaying frequency, the period (abbreviated PRD on the screen) represents the
percentage of the duty cycle, or the “on time” of the signal. Readings are displayed in milliseconds.
The Freeze (F2) and Range (F3) soft keys remain active in this mode.
shows a typical
frequency display following a single press of the S Key. Press the S Key a second time and the
duty cycle (DTY) reading changes to show the pulse-width (PWD) of the signal in milliseconds.
Figure 8-6
Sample Frequency display