User Manual
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Revision 0.1 (8.26.2011)
1. Product Description
The DWPCIe83 USB module is a wireless audio module (30x26.8mm) with a PCI
Express interface based on the SMSC DARR83. This USB module can be used to build
an uncompressed wireless digital audio transceiver operating in the 2.4GHz, 5.2GHz and
5.8GHz bands.
The wireless audio link supports up to four stereo audio streams and comes together with
additional features such as: data encryption, pairing functionality, bi-directional control
data messages, low power audio snooze mode, WLAN detection and Automatic
Frequency Allocation.
The DARR83 chip itself provides the basic functions of Audio Processing and buffering, Data
Link Layer and Physical Layer. The DWPCIe83 USB module integrates all functionality for a
wireless digital audio connection, comprising:
DARR83 Wireless Audio Processor
2.4GHz/ 5.2GHz/ 5.8 GHz RF Transceiver
Dual antenna connectors
USB2.0 through a PCI Express Mini Card System Connector
Built-in SPI interface Flash
2. DWPCIe83 Module Usage Scenarios
2.1. Headset Mode
When the DWPCIe83 Module is configured into the headset mode the DWPCIe83 module is
able to have an audio input and audio output at the same time. The DWPCIe83 module can
stream audio to a DARR-enabled headset and simultaneously receive the voice channel from
this headset.
2.2. Multiple Stream Mode
In the multiple stream mode the DWPCIe83 Module will act as a multi stereo stream device
so that in Windows Vista and Windows 7 it is possible to play multiple audio sources (iTunes
and medial player) to different speakers.
2.3. Surround Mode
When the DWPCIe83 Module is configured in the surround mode it is possible to transfer
5.1/7.1 audio from a movie to wireless surround speakers.
Neutron Engineering Inc.