Grease fires are caused by not properly maintaining the Grill by failing to clean your Grease Drain Pan,
V-shaped Grease Drain and Grease Drain Tube on a consistent basis. In the unlikely event of a grease
fire while cooking,
until the fire is
completely out. Never keep the lid open during a grease fire. If it does not go out, lightly sprinkle baking
soda on the fire.
If this does not work, then carefully remove
the food from the Grill and keep the lid closed until the fire is completely out.
When the Grill is completely cool, remove the Porcelain Grid and replace
the foil on the Grease Drain Pan. Clean any grease accumulation from the V-shaped Grease Drain and the
Grease Drain Tube. Replace the Grease Drain Pan and the Porcelain Grid in their proper positions, restart
the Grill and resume cooking.
Digital Thermostat Control Functions:
After selecting your cooking temperature (with the exception of “SMOKE”) the Auger will operate
continuously until the selected temperature is reached. From that point forward, the Digital Control will
cycle the Auger off and on to maintain the selected temperature until the Temperature/Dial is changed.
When operating in “SMOKE” mode, the Auger will cycle on for 15 seconds and off for 65 seconds. There
is no temperature control with the “Smoke” setting. This timed cycle setting for “Smoke” is a factory
pre-set recommended by Smoke Chef Grills to develop a “Smoking” temperature of 150 to 180 degrees
However you can change this timed cycle to suit your particular needs. Refer to the Wiring Diagram
found near the end of this manual and locate the Smoke Adjustment. It is a switch inside a small hole on
the face of the Digital Control to the left of the readout (see Wiring Diagram). While the Digital Control is
on, use a very small screwdriver or other pointed object (a bent paper clip works well) to gently depress
the switch. When you depress the switch, the readout will change from a temperature to “P” followed
by a number. The factory pre-set mentioned earlier is P-2. The setting range is from P-0 to P-9. The “P”
readout will change each time you depress the switch. With all “P” settings, the auger on time remains
constant at 15 seconds while the off time is influenced by the “P” setting. For example: A P-3 setting will
result in an Auger on time of 15 seconds and an Auger off time of 75 seconds, an increase in the off time
of 10 seconds from the P-2 setting. Each change in the “P” number -up or down- results in an increase or
decrease of 10 seconds for the Auger off time. Increasing the number decreases Smoking Temperature.
Decreasing the number increases Smoking Temperature. The Smoke Chef Service Department
recommends a setting no higher than P-4. Also, if you do make a smoke adjustment, the temperature on
the readout should be monitored. If the temperature is consistently below 160 degrees Fahrenheit while
“Smoking”, decrease the “P” setting because there is a risk of losing the fire in the Firepot.
If the fire in the Firepot goes out while smoking, when sufficient Pellets are still in the Pellet
Hopper, it is important to follow these steps. Failure to do so may cause a hazardous “over-firing” of your
grill due to an excess of unburned pellets in the Firepot. You may need to decrease the “P” setting to
prevent your fire from going out in the “Smoke” mode.