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or to place an order, please contact customer service at 800-328-1061
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Form# 179856A
Replacement pack 69755 includes:
77471 (Qty. 16) 1/4-20X1/2” Combo Drive Machine Screw
70226 (Qty. 8) 10-32X1/2” Machine Screw
77482 (Qty. 2) Tinnerman Clip
70054 (Qty. 16) SM Screw #10X3/4 HI/LO PTH
Shapes and Sizes
Assembly Instructions
Step 1: Flip the top upside down on a clean dry surface. Align the leg sets with the predrilled holes on
the top.
Step 2: Adjust the legs to the desired height by taking out the (4) ¼-20X1/2” Machine screws per leg and
reinserting them at the desired height.
Install (1) Tinnerman Clip per leg in the square hole located inside of the leg.
*NOTE: The Tinnerman Clip is only used if the desk is raised to a high range, when set to a low
range, threaded holes in the lower leg will be used instead of the Tinnerman Clip.