Model 3600-I IR3 Flame Detector
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Appendix D.1.2. Operating Instructions
Warning: Do not open the Flame Simulator to charge the batteries or for any other reason in a
hazardous area.
The following test simulates a real fire condition and may activate the extinguishing system or
other alarms. If this is not desired, disconnect/inhibit them before the test and reconnect after simulation.
To simulate a fire:
1. Verify that the optical window is clean.
2. Move to the correct distance from the detector according to the type of detector (see
), and the detector sensitivity.
3. Aim the detector using the mechanical sight at the center of the detector. Activate the
button and adjust the spot to the center of the detector.
4. Keep the simulator aimed at the detector for up to 50 seconds until an alarm occurs.
5. Wait 20 seconds before repeating the test.
Target Point
Figure 46: 3600-I IR3 Flame Detector Target Point