Software provided by CD
Every Smartrise job is provided with a binder that consists of two CD’s containing software for
the specific job. Smartrise controllers are shipped initially with the software already installed on
the controller; these CD’s are provided as back-ups.
Insert the supplied CD into the CD ROM drive. Usually a menu similar to the one shown
below will appear. If no menu appears then open “My Computer” and click on the CD
ROM drive.
Click on the “Open folder to view files” option to explore the Smartrise CD folders. A list
of folders with the software will appear. The software is located in the “(1) – Controller
Software” folder.
It is imperative that you install the correct software onto the correct JTAG port.
To do this, first connect your Smartrise programmer to your laptop via USB, and then connect
the other end to the JTAG port on the controller.
Revision 8 Board
Revision 5-7 Board
Ports J21 and J22
correspond to the JTAG
ports located on the
controller board.