1. Increases LED brightness adjustment
2. Decreases LED brightness adjustment
3. On/Off button
4. LED white button (switch between cold & warm)
5. LED color buttons (red, green and blue)
6. Timing function on/off: 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours
7. 3 music modes
8. 5 fixed color rich modes
9. Brightness button: 25%, 50%, 100%
10. Cycles through 20 preprogrammed modes
(Automatically switches every 30 seconds)
11. In static mode these buttons cycle through
different colors. In dynamic mode these buttons
cycle through preprogrammed modes
If you have multiple string lights you can group them into one
group so you can control all of the settings of all the lights at
the same time.
To group multiple lights together be sure to add all of the
lights to your Smartpoint Home App. Then select one of the
lights and press the settings button in the top right hand
corner. Then press “Create Group”. After that, select the lights
you want to add to the group and press “Save”. Next, name
the group and then press save. The group will now show up on
the home screen of your app. When you click on the group,
whatever settings you save in the group applies to all of the
lights in the group.