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UMRR-0C Type 42 User Manual USA-Canada_100MHz.docx Version 2
Page 5
of 19
November 22, 2017
General description
Sensor description
The main task of the UMRR is the detection of any reflectors in the field of view, to measure
the distance, the relative speed and the angle to the shortest reflector (and to other reflectors),
to detect motion and to track (filter) the results over time.
For this
general purpose measurement application
, range and relative radial speed and
the angle value of each reflector inside the antenna beam are measured and the results are
reported via the communication links cycle by cycle.
Transmit Signal
The UMRR transmit frequency is located in the 24 GHz ISM band (24000 MHz to 24250 MHz),
the used bandwidth is smaller than 100 MHz. The maximum transmit power is 20 dBm.
Antenna type 42 is used, consisting of one transmit and eight receive antennas, both linear
polarized. The 2 way 3 dB cut-off angle in az. +-25deg. and in el. +-5deg.
The antenna has two main lobes. The greater man lobe is at +17°, counting clockwise, the
second at -20°.
The device uses different FMCW transmit signal waveforms for distance and speed