BAC4812 Battery Charger User Manual
BAC4812 Battery Charger
Version 1.0
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Two-Stage Method
Charging is performed according to the battery charging characteristics using two-stage method.
Charging type is ‘constant current type’ which means that when the battery terminal voltage falls below
the pre-set value, charging current will be constant; when the battery terminal voltage exceeds the
pre-set value, charging current will decrease with the rising of terminal voltage until the pre-set current
value is reached; then Chargers automatically return to float mode. As soon as charging current value
falls below 0.5A and the constant voltage value is reached, the battery is basically charged (charging
indicator will extinguish). After that charging current will only neutralize the battery self discharge. Even
long-term charging cannot harm the battery, as charger can keep the battery fully charged and so
guarantee long lifetime of the battery.