Refrigerate eggs until ready to cook.
You will learn to adjust the water level to get your desired consistency. Add more for
firmer eggs; less if you prefer softer eggs.
Eggs should be stored in the carton they were purchased in (or separate egg
compartment) in your refrigerator to keep them from drying out and absorbing
refrigerator odours.
Eggs should be stored sitting large end up to help them stay fresh longer and keep
the yolk centred.
For hard cooked eggs, it is best to plunge the eggs into cold water immediately
after cooking. This helps to stop the cooking process and prevent a dark ring from
developing around the yolk, as well as making it easier to peel the shell.
If not serving immediately it is advised to place in the refrigerator. Hard cooked eggs
in the shell can keep for up to one week if they are properly refrigerated.
To peel hard cooked eggs easily, roll gently on the counter using the palm of your
hand to crack the shell.