Warranty period is (...) years and commences on the delivery date of the product.
The entire product except the hoses and the adapters is warranted by our company.
The warranty certificates without the sales date written by the seller/dealer and stamp and
signature are invalid.
If the product becomes defective within the warranty period, the time elapsed during repair is
added to the warranty period. The repair period of the product is maximum 30 (thirty) working
days. This period starts as of the date the defect of the product is notified to the service station,
or if a service station is not available, to any one of the product’s seller, distributor, agency,
representative, importer or manufacturer. If defect of the product is not remedied within 15
working days, the manufacturer and importer must allocate another industrial product with
similar functions to the use of the consumer until repair of product is completed. National, legal
and religious holidays and weekends are not considered as working days.
If the product becomes defective within its warranty period due to faults of material and
workmanship or assembly, its repair shall be performed without demanding any charges as a
cost of workmanship or replaced part, or by any other means.
Even though the consumer uses its right of repair, if;
As of the delivery date of the product to the consumer, within one year, provided that the
determined warranty period is valid; the same failure recurs more than twice, or different
failures occur more than four times, or total of different failures within the determined
warranty period is more than six, and also if these failures prevent benefiting from the