Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG
7 Commissioning
7 Commissioning
Measure the open-circuit voltage of each string and check the following points:
· The maximum deviation between the voltages is less than 10%.
· No values higher than the maximum permissible are measured.
· No negative values are measured.
The fuses can be inserted in the fuse boxes only if the previous tests have generated positive results.
Proceed with the start-up operations of the system.
Immediately correct the wiring if one of the aforesaid conditions is not valid because continuation
of this situation may cause serious damage to the system and people.
The fuse holders are not suitable for isolating the on-load string current. Therefore, these bases should only be opened if
there is no passage of current (main disconnecting switch OFF) in order to prevent the creation of electrical arcs that are
dangerous to the health and safety of people and the intactness of components.