SloanLED 12 V BP LEDStripe Installation Manual Download Page 4

12 V BP LEDStripe

Installation Guide for 12 V BP Light Green LEDStripe


Optional joint covers and corner covers: 

Snap cover into place.

SloanLED 12 V DC wet Location Power Supply loading: 

Two legs or up to 32 ft (9.76 m) each per power supply.

If more than two parallel legs are used, check output voltage and current of power supply.


Current ≤ 4.5 A


DC Voltage ≥ 11.5 V

Illustrated with 10 ft (3.05 m) LEDStripe lengths

Power Supply (PN# 701507-60W2E or 701507-60W3)


One complete length of  

LEDStripe won’t light.

Most likely a connector or connection problem. Check connections and voltage at connector. It could be a loose connection, wire or connector.

More than one length of 

product does not light.

Most likely a connection problem. Check connections where product stops lighting. Another possible cause could be power supply is 

overloaded and secondary output circuit protection is engaged. Check how many feet/meters of product are on each leg of power supply. 

Check output current of power supply.

One 3" (75 mm) section 

is dark

Problem inside product. Replace entire LEDStripe unit. Call SloanLED for return and replacement instructions.

After cutting, product 

does not light.

Most likely the wrong end was cut. When cutting product, ensure end with big connector is end that is kept.  

After cutting, end with female connector is scrap and will not light. 

LEDStripe is dim

Power supply is most likely overloaded. Remove section of LEDStripe until full brightness is achieved. Check output current of power supply.

12 VDC Power Supply Capacity Table for 12 V BP LEDStripe




Part Number

Nominal Input Voltage Input Current Output power Output Current

60W2(E) Power Supply (701507-60W2(E)

100-277 V

0.8 A

60 W

5.0 A

Two legs of up to 32 ft (9.76 m) 

each per power supply*

60W3 Power Supply (701507-60W3)

* I

f more than two parallel legs are used, check output voltage and current of power supply: Current 4.5 A, Voltage ≥ 11.5 V DC.


Each 12 V circuit must be limited to 5 A (60 W) or less. For North American installations, a power supply that meets NEC Class 2 specifications is required.

Illustrated with 8 ft (2.44 m) LEDStripe lengths

Power Supply (PN# 701507-60W2E or 701507-60W3)
